A St. Patrick’s Day Riddle: Just how rare is a four-leaf clover?
Who’s that man who was kidnapped as a teen by Irish pirates, pressed into servitude as a slave, returned to Ireland to minister to the Emerald Isle, and ultimately banished snakes from the island forever? For all our friends celebrating today, you know already, but for the rest, you need look no further than this for the full skinny.
Four leaf clovers? It’s thought that the four leaves made the clovers resemble a cross — and thus, the perfect juxtaposition of Ireland’s iconic flora with its beloved patron and saint (don’t ask me to explain the leprechauns and green beer — but it is The Emerald Isle, after all). We’ve all heard about the supposed rarity of four-leaf clovers — it’s the stuff of legends. If you’re not a frequent reader, you may not realize yet that it’s all about math, science, and statistics with us data geeks, so off we go….
How rare are they really? Statistically-speaking? Pretty rare to those unfamiliar with clover. But, clover tends to grow in dense patches and entire fields of billions. So, how much clover will you have to leaf through to claim your prized four-leaf clover? If you just can’t wait — read on to find the answer… but what comes next is massively more interesting than literally watching the grass grow.
Coming to the real point: Much like the elusive four-leaf clover, the marketing challenge of finding quality prospects, leads, and sales for your business needs seems daunting. Where to look? They’re not just anywhere. How to qualify? Unlike the clover, your best prospects don’t have an extra arm to identify them. What tools will you need? More than a magnifying glass and pruning shears? What strategies will meet your business needs? You’ll need help to weed out the three-leafs.
But, one question is surprisingly simple to answer: How do you find a partner with the tools, expertise and experience needed to deliver quality prospects (or hot leads) for your insurance, loan or debt product? Simple. Like the search for a four-leaf clover — the search ends when you find that partner. And you just did. There it is.
Your business challenge is solved. Fill out the form below, and we’ll get you acquainted with the solution. And that’s no blarney.
The answer? Around 12 square feet of dense clover should contain 10,000 three-leaf clovers… and usually one four leaf clover. So, not too very much work. You’ll only be nose-down in the lawn for a half hour or so, and only need to search the rough area of a large doormat. Here‘s the first-hand account of a DIY, scientific approach to solving this problem, by a praiseworthy soul who gave it a shot.